Registered Investment Advisers: By the Numbers

Where in the United States are Registered Investment Advisers concentrated? Using the neat interactive map below, you can see where the over 30,000 Investment Advisers tracked by Audit Analytics are located as of 2013.

Unsurprisingly, there is a heavy concentration of RIAs in New York (2910) and California (3208). Texas is home to over a thousand, and Massachusetts and Florida both have nearly a thousand.

There are only 13 registered investment advisers in West Virginia, which has the least of all. Just ahead is North Dakota, with 16.

Hover over any state in the map to explore more.

Note: The analysis is based on a download of the 2013 data from the Investment Advisers database, which provides a detailed description of all state and SEC registered advisers (currently over 30,000). Key data points include engaged auditor (for those advisers with custodial responsibilities), assets under management and the funds they manage.